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…not exactly a town and not exactly a township but a shtetl. There were hundreds of these in Old Russia…

Peretz Markish

– Why do you do this?
– Sometimes I afraid to forget.

(c) “Everything Is Illuminated”

The Jewish population of Ukraine before the Second World War was over 2.5 million but now the current population is only in the 100,000 range. A whole world with it’s very own culture,rules, and customs that is now disapearing.

I decided to make this website in dedication to the Jews of Ukraine. The purpose of it is the gathering information and reasources from remaining the Jewish communities in Ukraine aswell as the ones destroyed.


For more information read this article Lost shtetls in Ukraine




  1. hello

  2. Thank you for posting this information. My mother’s mother came from Romney to the U.S. in 1907 to live with her husband who was already in New York.

    • My father-in-law’s father, Nathan Saevitz, was born in Romny c 1877 and moved to London c 1905. I Know him to have had relatives in New York who have descendants living today, but so far I have been unable to find out much more. If you can help in any way with sources of further information, I would be very grateful. Many thanks.

      • I can provide contacts of person who is providing service of geneological research ​in Ukrainian archives. If you still need help just write here.

        • Hello Vitaliy,

          My great-grandparents emigrated to Philadelphia in 1899, from Czernigow, Ukraine, possibly Konotop, too. Their names were Avrum Yitsak Kotlikoff and Sarah Kotlikoff. Through DNA, I’ve recently found a branch of my family that wasn’t previously known to me. Their name is Chudacoff and Chudakoff from Podar.

          How can I get to see the census from 1897 and prior?

          I’ve been stuck going farther back, searching for their ancestors. By the way, on other branches that I’ve searched of my maternal family, I got back to before 740 to my 26th great grandparents! I’m descended from at least 60 rabbis! They kept good birth records! My Chernigov grandfather’s occupation on the ship manifest says “Teacher.” (Rabbi)

          Thanks so very much!

          Carole Kotlikoff Gordon

  3. Thank you for this well designed website! I am researching my Ruderman family, who primarily originated in the general area of Minsk, Belarus. However, there is reason to believe that Lubny and other Ukrainian shtetlach had Rudermans living there in earlier times. Do you know of any documentation of Ruderman families in Ukrainian shtetlach prior to approx. 1880? Any advice you have will be greatly appreciated!

  4. Thank you for this site. My great grandmother came from Cherkas(?) originally, then to England in about 1801, then at the age of 70 to Australia in 1949 to join her daughter Anne who had already emigrated here. Her maiden name was Sara Taradyen.

  5. I can provide contacts of person who is providing service of geneological research ​in Ukrainian archives. If you still need help just write here.

    • Виталий, добрый день. А можно ли поподробнее о возможностях поиска украинских корней?

      • С поиском украинских корней не сталкивался. Восновном по-еврейским специализируюсь.

  6. Виталий, ну так они все еврейские корни, просто последнее, что я обнаружил, что линия была известная и ветвь уходит в Украину. Лев (Лейб) Евелевич Новосельский – мой прапрадед. Может быть есть возможность написать вам личное письмо?

  7. написал, спасибо

  8. Здравствуйте,Виталий! Нужна помощь в поиске по Белой церкви и Белиловке. Заранее спасибо за ответ. С уважением , Ева.

  9. My paternal grandparents -Samuel(Shuel) Fleet or Flitt and Sophie( Shifra ]were from Kryve Ozero. samual left in 1914 and his wife and daughter, Celia followed to America in 1921.

    My grandmother was Shifra Alper. Her brother Yizrool, married a Chaika Flitt and Shifra married Chaika’s brother after is first wife and child died in childbirth. Any relatives out there?

  10. My grandparents, David Schun and Celia Mogolovitch Schun came from Kanev to the US about1913…. I would love to know if there are any relatives still there or even some of their history

  11. I am looking for any relatives still in Ukraine. My maternal family name was Shanis. They lived in possibly Vitavetz, Zhytomyr or Khordorkov. They also may have been in Volodarka. 3 relatives never left Ukraine – Isaac, Barel and Tamarra. Also – my grandfather, Louis Resnick, was from Zlatolpol. The family who left Ukraine settled in Philadelphia. Anyone out there?

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