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Posted by on Aug 16, 2020 in Kirovohrad region, Shtetls | 0 comments

Хащувате(Ukrainina), Хащеватое(Russian) Khaschevatoye is a village in Gayvoron district, Kirovograd region. Its population is 2,260 people. The village is on the Southern Bug River. It used to be a town of Gaysin uyezd, Podolia gubernia from the late 18th through the early 20th century. From 1923 through 1932, Khaschevatoye was a district center of the Odessa region. Information about Jews from Khaschevatoye was obtained from several different sources, including books by Solgutovsky and Khaim Melamud, and from various websites as well. In the summer of 2018, we explored Khaschevatoye’s points of Jewish interest, with the guidance of Yelena Mikhaylovna Vdovichenko, the principal of a local school. More information about the Holocaust in Khaschevatoye can be found in My locationGet Directions Beginning The settlement’s history goes back to 1362. It was originally a part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and...

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Posted by on May 28, 2020 in Kirovohrad region, Shtetls | 2 comments

Golovanevsk is a district center of Kirovograd region. Population is  5 982 people (2016). In the XIX – early XX centuries, it was a shtetl of Balta uyezd, Podolia gubernia. Most of the information about the post-war Jews of Holovanivsk was provided by Leonid Shmaevich, who was born there in 1946. Jews lived in Golovanevsk starting in the late XVIII century. In the shtetl there were two synagogues in 1889, a private male training school in 1909, and a Jewish savings and credit society in 1912. My locationGet Directions In 1905, a pogrom nearly happened in the shtetl. 15 Jews from Golovanevsk were fiercely beaten at the fair in the neighboring village of Troyany (now Zaporozhye region – editor’s note), a Jewish market was looted. After that event there was great anxiety among Jews of the shtetl. The non-Jews who...

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Posted by on Mar 21, 2019 in Kirovohrad region, Shtetls | 1 comment

Alexandrovka is a city located in Kirovograd region of central Ukraine, center of Alexandrovka district. Kozelets is located on the Tyasmin River, a tributary of the Dnieper. The city’s estimated population is 8721 (as of 2017). In XIX – beginning of XX century it was shtetl of Chigirin Yezd of Kiev Gubernia. Information about the Jews of Alexandrovka was collected and organized by the head of the local museum Vasyl Viktorovich Biloshapka. My locationGet Directions The first written mention of the Jews of Alexandrovka district dates back to the second half of the XVIII century, beginning from 1765. It was found in some Polish documents. Rabbi Nakhman from Bratslav (1772 – 1810), the future founder of Bratslav (Breslovsky) Hasidism used to live in the village called Stara Osota of Alexandrovka district after his marriage at the age of 13....

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Posted by on Jan 24, 2019 in Kirovohrad region, Shtetls | 1 comment

Novoarkhangelsk is an urban-type settlement since 1957 and a district center of Kirovograd region. It was established in 1742. In the XIX to early XX centuries, it was a shtetl of Yelizavetgradka uyezd, Kherson guberniya. Novoarkhangelsk stands on river Sinuha. On the opposite side of river locates former shtetl Torgovitsya. We were in Novoarkhangelsk in the summer 2017, but we couldn’t gather any information about the history of Jews living in this former shtetl. My locationGet Directions Jews have been living in Novoarkhangelsk since 1764. In the XVIII century, the main occupations of the Jewish population of the shtetl were crafts and trade. Jewish population of Rizhanovka: 1897 — 943 (15%) 1923 – 570 Jews 1939 – 209 Jews In the 1880’s Jews owned the majority of trade and industrial enterprises including mills and smithies. In 1913, Jews owned the...

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Posted by on Jun 13, 2018 in Kirovohrad region, Shtetls | 0 comments

Zlatopol is a settlement in the former Kiev guberniya. In 1959, Zlatopol was incorporated into Novomirgorod in the Kirovograd region. In the XIX – early XX centuries, it was a shtetl belonging to the Chigirin uyezd, Kiev guberniya. In the late XVIII century, Jews began to settle in Zlatopol. By 1787, the town belonged to the noble Polish Liubomirskiy family. Ksaveriy Liubomirsky stimulated the development of Zlatopol. He used to hold fairs there, and gave credit to Jewish merchants. In the late XVIII – early XIX centuries Hasidish tzaddik Arie-Leib from Shpola (Shpoler Zeide) lived in Zlatopol. My locationGet Directions In 1800, Rebbe Nakhman from Bratslav settled there. However, in 1802, the tsaddik’s wife died of consumption. He buried her in the Zlatopol Jewish cemetery and moved away. 2 more lists In the mid-XIX century, a lot of Jewish...

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Posted by on Apr 24, 2018 in Kirovohrad region, Shtetls | 1 comment

Torgovitsa is a village of Novoarkhangelsk district, Kirovograd region. Before the Revolution it was a shtetl of Uman uyezd, Kiev province. Torgovitsa stands on river Sinuha. On the opposite side of river locates former shtetl Novoarkhangelsk. We visited Torgovitsa in 2017 and took a few photos of the Holocaust mass grave and the remains of the Jewish cemetery. Most of information for this article was provided by the descendants of Yakov Gorbatov (b. 1921, Torgovitsa – d. 2013, New York). He was a WWII veteran who left Torgovitsa before the war. His whole family perished during the Holocaust. My locationGet Directions In the 1870s, in Torgovitsa, the spiritual rabbi was Froim Wolfman. In the 1880s, he served as a rabbi in Germanovka, and by the end of the 19th century, he became the rabbi of Fastov. According to 1897...

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Posted by on Dec 17, 2017 in Kirovohrad region, Shtetls | 0 comments

Pokotilovo is a village in the Novoarkhangelsk district of the Kirovograd region in the Ukraine.  In the XIX and XX centuries, however, it was considered a shtetl in the Uman Uyezd, and part of Kiev province. Beginning According to historians, the first Jews settled in Pokotilovo in the XVIII century. By 1897, more than half of its residents were Jewish. Reports differ on the number of synagogues or prayer houses that existed during the XIX century.  Some say two; others report three.  The number appears to be dependent on what constituted a synagogue and how stable and prosperous the community was at any given time. My locationGet Directions One historian identified a rabbi by the name of Khaim (or perhaps Chaim) Goldstein (1845-?) in 1866.  Another identified  Matvey Leonovich Galperin as a state rabbi in the 1900’s. From the...

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