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Posted by on Mar 16, 2023 in Shtetls, Vinnytsia region | 0 comments

Dzyunkov, a village in the Pohrebyshchensky district of Vinnytsia region (Ukraine). Since 1793, it has been part of the Russian Empire. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Dzyunkov was a small town in the Berdychivsky district of Kyiv province. In 2022, I visited Dzyunkov in search of any traces of Jews in the village. Instead, the locals showed me the remains of a Jewish cemetery on the slope of a hill on the outskirts of the village with several stones. Also, in the middle of the village, there is a vast space where the Jewish houses used to be, in the middle of which is an entrance to an old cellar. According to the locals, the cellar was used by Jews as a refrigerator. Remains of old cellar, 2023: I was unable to find much information about the...

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Posted by on Mar 16, 2023 in Shtetls, Vinnytsia region | 0 comments

Borshagovka is a village located in Pohrebyshchenskyi district of Vinnytsia district, Ukraine. In 2022, approximately 500 people lived there. Borshagovka locates near the confluence of the Orikhovatka and the Ros Rivers. In 1793, after the second partition of Poland, Borshagovka became a part of the Russian Empire. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Borshagovka was a shtetls of the Skvira of Kyiv guibernia. Historically, the village was divided into three parts: Mestechko (the centre with a market square where Jews mostly lived), Sad, and Zarechye. Most of the information about the Jews of Borshagovka after the Revolution was obtained from an interview with a native of Borshagovka , Rakhil Karp, which she gave to the Shoa Foundation in the 1990s. Her entire family did not evacuate from the shtetl in 1941 and was executed in Pohrebyshche. In the...

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Posted by on Mar 13, 2023 in Shtetls, Vinnytsia region | 0 comments

Salnytsya is a village in Khmelnytskyi district of Vinnytsia Oblast in Ukraine. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, it was a shtetl of Litin County of Podolia Governorate. Jews called the village “Solchev” in Yiddish. Most of the information for this article was taken from the book “Roads of Memory” by Faina Braverman, a native of Salnytsya (1923, Salnytsya – 2003, Kyiv), which I accidentally bought in 2019. Parts of this book can be found here. A lot of information was also taken from a three-hour interview by Sophia Attenzon (Becker) with the Shoah Foundation, where she described the pre-war history of Salnytsya and how her family survived the Holocaust. I visited the village during my expedition in 2020. Vera Stepanenko, who works in the Salnytsya library and is the author of the village’s website, was very helpful...

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Posted by on Mar 12, 2023 in Shtetls, Vinnytsia region | 0 comments

Ulanov is a village in the Khmelnitsky district of the Vinnitsa region. According to the 2001 census, the population of Ulanov was 3,038. From the 19th – early 20th centuries, Ulanov was a shtetl in the Litinsky district of the Podolsk province. Translated by Daniel Pesin. I visited Ulanov in 2020, I managed to talk with Yadviga Stepanovna Mikolyuk, born in 1928, who lived all her life near Jews and remembered a lot. I did not manage to find any local historian who could tell me about the Jews of Ulanov. A lot of information about the Jews of Ulanov was provided by Anatoly Kerzhner, a descendant of the last Jews of Ulanov. Only the old Jewish cemetery, several Jewish buildings and the mass grave of the Jews of Ulanov, Salnitsa and the surrounding villages, who were killed by...

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Posted by on Feb 21, 2023 in Shtetls, Vinnytsia region | 2 comments

Pikov is a small village in the Kalynivka raion, Vinnytsia region of Ukraine. As of 2023, around 2,000 lived there. In the 19th – beginning of 20 century, Pikov was a shtetl of Vinnitsa uezd, Podolskaya Gubernia.  In the past, Pykiv consisted of two parts called Novy Pykiv (New Pykiv) and Stary Pykiv (Old Pykiv), which were on opposite sides of the Snyvoda River. According to historical documents, they were separate towns until they merged in 1960. Before the revolution, most of the Jewish residents lived in Novy Pykiv. When I visited the former Pykiv shtetl in winter 2020, all that remained of the Jewish community were a Jewish cemetery and the ruins of a big Jewish house. The first reference to a Jewish presence in Pikov dates back to the beginning of the eighteenth century.    During the...

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Posted by on May 6, 2022 in Vinnytsia region | 2 comments

Makhnovka is a village in the Kazatinsky district of the Vinnitsa region, 12 kilometers from the Kazatin railway station. The population at the 2001 census was 3,467. A rather picturesque river Gnilopyat flows near the village. Before Revolution, Makhnovka was a shtetl of Berdichev uezd, Kiev gubernia. From 1935 to 2016 – the village was called Komsomolskoye. In 2016, the historical name of Makhnovka was returned to the village.   Beginning Documentary references to Makhnovka have been known at least since the first half of the 17th century (according to some sources, even from 1611). The town was the private property of the Tyshkevich magnates, whose ancestors received these lands in 1430 from the Lithuanian prince Svidrigailo, who owned this part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Together with Berdichev and other estates, it was inherited by the princes...

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Posted by on Jul 11, 2016 in Shtetls, Vinnytsia region | 6 comments

Krasnoe is a historic village located in Tyvrov district of Vinnitsya region. Krasnoe is located on the Krasnyanka River, a tributary of the Southern Bug. The village’s estimated population is 1,110 (as of 2001). Krasnoe became a part of Russia Empire in 1793, in XIX – beginning of XX century it was shtetl of Yampol Yezd of Podolia Gubernia. Beginning The Jewish community was first mentioned in the town of Krasnoe in 1605. The area where Krasnoe Jews settled was the older part of the town. During Khmelnytsky Uprising (the Cossack-Polish insurgency in 1648-1654 under the command of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky) the Jewish population in Krasnoe was completely decimated by Khmelnytsky’s Cossack military units. In the first half of the XVIII century, when a revival of the Jewish communities began in Bratslav area, Jewish colonists migrated from different areas to revive the community of Krasnoe. They gradually...

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Posted by on Feb 27, 2015 in Shtetls, Vinnytsia region | 0 comments

Varshilovka (Yiddish), Vorosilovka (Dutch), Woroszylowka (Polish), Ворошилівка (Ukrainian), Ворошиловка – Voroshilovka (Russian) Voroshilovka is a village located in Tivrov district of Vinnitsya region. It is located on the South Bug River. The village’s estimated population is 1247 (as of 2001). Voroshilovka is approx. 32 km from Vinnitsya and in 280 km from Kiev. Before the Revolution it was a shtetl of Tivrov volost, Vinnitsky yezd, Podol guberniya. This article was insipred by the writings of Michael Charnofsky who emigrated from Voroshilovka before World War I and wrote this charming book in 1960s.   The hard economic and political condition of this small Podolian Jewish shtetl in the beginning of XX century are described here very thoroughly. You can download it by this link. Beginning Jewish population of Voroshilovka: 1765 – 116 jews 1787 – 189 jews 1847 – 1847...

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Posted by on Nov 9, 2013 in Vinnytsia region | 4 comments

Браслав – Braslav (Formerly), Брацлав (Ukrainian), Брацлав – Bratslav (Russian) Bratslav is a townlet in Ukraine, located in the Nemyriv Raion of Vinnytsia Oblast, by the Southern Bug river. It is a medieval European city which dramatically lost its importance during the XIX-XX centuries. Beginning Bratslav was founded in 1362 by duke of Lithuania Algirdas. A Jew leased the collection of customs duties in Bratslav in 1506, and it appears that a Jewish settlement developed in the town from that time. In 1545 the Jews were exempted from the construction of roads “so that they could travel on their commercial affairs.” The Jews underwent much suffering during the attacks of the Tatars on the town during the 16th century (especially in 1551). At the beginning of the 17th century, commercial relations were maintained between the Jews of Bratslav and those of...

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Posted by on Jun 9, 2013 in Vinnytsia region | 1 comment

Most information was taken from this book. Djurin (Polish, Yiddish & Hebrew), Джурин (Ukrainian), Джурин – Dzhurin (Russian) Dzhurin (old names Churylov, Churintsy, Dzhurilov) – village in Shargorod region, Vinnytsia oblast, before 1923 it was a shtetl of Yampol yezd, Podolsk province. The population is 3734 people (in 2001). Beginning Churylov settlement was first mentioned in documents in the XV century. Same settlement mentioned in royal charter of 1547. Apparently in those days it was protected by a fortified castle. In the XVIII century Dzhurin  belonged to Potocki magnates. In 1767 Dzhurin get urban rights and privileges to conduct monthly fair. In 1765 there were 35 Jewish houses, where lived 84 people, all were assigned to the community of Murafa. According to the 1775 census in in the town were Jews: 65 men, 69 women, 14 boys, 10 girls...

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