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Kilikiev is a village in the Slavuta district of Khmelnitsky region.

Since 1793 – in Russia Empire. In XIX – beginning XX century – mestechko Ostrozhskiy yezd of Volyn gubernia. Population in the beginning of XXI century – 863 persons.

Kilikiev mentioned in archiv as a city at first time in 1596. The earliest known Jewish community was XVII century.

In the end of XIX century there was a synagogue and Jewish cemetery.

Enterpreneurs in Kilikiev at 1914

At the beginning of XX century Jews built the mill with a steam engine, which grind grain not only
for locals but also people from surrounding villages. Bath was built in the center of the village (now
Pershotravneva Str.) In 1914 all 3 grocery store belong to Jews.

I didn’t find information about events in Kilikiev during Revolution and Civil War. Find only one
document in JDC archiv here.

After 1920 Soviets allocated for 2 hectares of land to poor Jewish families. Trade and crafts revived in the towm during NEP. In 1923, people massively applied to authorities on return of houses confiscated from Jews after Revolution. Jewish religion community “Kloyz” was founded at 05 May 1924. Head of the community was elected 69-year old poor man Rudik Leybysh Osipovich. At that same year local synagogue “Bethamedrash” was repaired.

Jewish population of Kilikiev:
1847 – 267 jews
1889 – 500 jews
1897 – 576 (29,9%)
1923 – 653 jews
2012 – 0

In the town in 1924 was opened a Jewish 3-year labor school. In 1927 in the school was 3 groups, 37 students and one teacher. In 1927 in town lived 360 Jews.

In 1929 the head of the village council was Nuta Hrinfeld, head of Jewish Community was Shloma
Hayimovych Piven.

Jewish School existed in the town between 1932 and 1938.

Kilikiev was occupied by German forces at July 7, 1941 (from another sources it was 3 July).

Policemen and Germans committed first massacre of the Jews at 11 – 12 July. Village was surrounded by punitive detachment and at least 40 Jewish mans were catch and locked in school barn. Ay the morning all were killed on the town vicinity (in the direction of Piddybtsi village).

Grave of Kilikiev Jewish men killed at Summer 1941

Grave of Kilikiev Jewish men killed at Summer 1941

Center of Kilikieva where Jews lived was declared the Jewish ghetto. Jews were ordered to wear armbands with yellow stars and chased to the heaviest work.

4 March 1942 were killed old Jews. All the Jews of the village was said to appear at the court school, taking jewelry and household objects for sending in Palestine. And then the tragedy took place, as in July 1941. People shut down for the night in the same school barn, morning drove toward the village Kutki and shot near river Cortch. Only two days later the bodies were moved to grave.

All other Jews were send to Slavuta ghetto, there they were killed together with local Jews.

After the shooting Jews on 16 April 1942 in the village lived 1595 Ukrainian, 13 Poles, and no Jews. All Jewish homes were looted and 56 destroyed.

Monument on the graves of second "action" victims on the bank of Kirchik river

Monument on the graves of second “action” victims on the bank of Kirchik river

During Holocaust were killed 213 Kilikiev Jews, we know only names of 41.

Local peasants Marhaichyk Oleksiy and Dyachyk Uhim saved 2 Jews.
Arthur Davidovich Friedman in the memory of his killed in Kilikiev relatives (first family of his father) made ​​a monument on the mass killing site, made concrete road to village, built a school, office block and shop.

Story of Baratc family:

Work of local student Radchenya Anastasii about a holocaust in Kilikiev you can find here.


– Jewish Cemetery
It is still existing in village. Jewish Cemetery was founded in the end of XIX century, than community bought a land of local peasant Svirid Kalenik.Occasionally, local residents visit it. The cemetery was
vandalized during World War II. Jewish individuals abroad fixed wall in 1992.

– Two Holocaust mass graves
There are 2 monuments in different places.



One Comment

  1. Names from Enterpreneurs lists:
    – Grinshpun
    – Rudik
    – Shlyar

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