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Obraztsovaya was a former Jewish Agricultural colony. It was located in territory which is now a part of Fastov, Kiev region, Ukraine.

Information for this article was collected with the help of Fastov local historian Vladimir Dorosenko.

It was founded in 1854 as a Jewish agricultural colony in Vasilkov district, Kiev province. In 1854, 15 Jewish families (263 people) lived in Obraztsovaya, in 1898 – seven Jewish families (35 people). The colony was built at the expense of Abraham Markovich Brodskiy. Every family was given 15.5 desiatine (appr.42.6 acres) of free state land. In 1875, there were 75 Jewish men in Obraztsovaya. The absence of experienced agriculturalists and lack of equipment and cattle made most of colonists lease their land.

Site of Obraztsovaya Jewish colony, 2016

Site of Obraztsovaya Jewish colony, 2016

In 1898 – 1899, three families engaged in agriculture, two of them had horses. In 1900, the society of corn-growers in Obraztsovaya owned 102.4 des. (281.6 acres) of land. Two Jewish families had lived in the colony by the beginning of World War I. The rest left the colony after a fire in the early 20th century. In 1916, 16 Jewish men lived in Obraztsovaya. All the buildings of Obraztsovaya were destroyed in 1919 in a pogrom committed by forces loyal to the Russian White Army General Denikin. The Jews escaped to Fastov.

The colony wasn’t rebuilt unlike neighboring Kadlubitskaya and now there is a field for grazing cattle.


The list of Jewish families,1858.

Nukhim-Volf Kosyy (9), El Gertsovich Dubenskiy (28), Matus Yankelevich Daych (14), Ayzik Moshkovich Shmelkin (22), Leyzar Yankel Shimonovich (19), Shneyer Moshkovich Lukashevskiy (10), Itsko Leybov Salgannik (12), Srul Moshkovich Leshchinskiy (17), Luzer Chaimovich Godik (14), Ekhel Leybovich Salgannik (13), Srul Moshkovich Leshchinskiy (21), Ios Fraimovich Litvinskiy (19), Aron Gershonovich Praysman (26), Srul Shmuliyovich Shekhtman (17), Itsko-Gersh Sruliovich Pritsner (22). In total, 263



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