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Posted by on Mar 24, 2013 in Khmelnytskyi region, Shtetls | 5 comments

Krasnostav is a small village in Slavuta district of Kmelnitskiy region. Population in the beginning of XXI century is only 535 person. But before Revolution it was a mestechko (shtetl) of Berezdov district, most population were a jews. In Ukraine exist 3 villages with same names (in Zhitomir, Chernihiskiy and Volinskiy regions) but they didn’t have such big Jewish population as this village. Don’t miss this Krasnostav with city in Lublin voevodstvo in Poland – Krasnystav. More information about PreWWII Jewish history of Krasnostav can be found in here, here, here, here and here. Beginning Hlapotin (it was initial name of current Krasnostav) mentioned in first time in 1386. Krasnostav became a city at June 2, 1573. So we can assume that first Jews appear here in XVI century. City get Magdeburg rights in 1616. In the beginning of...

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